How do I break into consulting from industry?


I’m a current software engineer (gradded halfway through last year) looking to change industry into consulting.

I have no clue where to start and am looking for advice in how to eventually work at MBB?

I haven’t had any business experience yet, but am willing to learn all the skills necessary online.

Any help is greatly appreciated thanks!

I think the first distinction you want to make is what type of consulting you want to do. Consulting is quite broad and many types exist: management, tech, engineering, strategy, etc.

The most popular and most competitive is management, which I’m going to assume is what you are looking to go into if your end goal is MBB.

Unfortunately jumping right into MBB is quite difficult, especially as you have no business/consulting experience, and all the grad apps have closed for this year.

My recommendation is thinking about finding entry level roles that can help you transition into management consulting over a few years. I would consider tech consulting at places such as Deloitte or Accenture or any other types that allow you to leverage your software engineering experience. I would also consider applying for less competitive or boutique consulting firms who are more likely to accept grads with little business experience.

From there, you would want to work for maybe a year or two before considering working your way into tier 2 consulting firms (OW, Kearney), before finally trying to make a jump into MBB. This is obviously way easier said than done, so best of luck!

In terms of business experience, you would most likely want to be focusing on building your business acumen and working on your casing. There are a bunch of free case prep resources out there, and would also strongly consider online platforms such as Rocketblocks, casecoach, and crafting cases!

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Thank you!! That’s super helpful