How do I find partners to case prep with?

Where do you find case prep partners? None of my friends are in the consulting field so idk who to ask

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There are 3 main types of people I would look to case with:

  1. Other people prepping for consulting interviews - This is good for building in reps and learning at a pace similar to other people. This is also good for you to get a gauge on how your skills compare to others. If you don’t have access to a network of peers who are also looking to go into consulting, I would consider looking at online Facebook groups such as “MBB Case Prep”, where people from around the world help each other out by casing with each other. I’m sure there’s also other people you can find on online forums or platforms.

  2. People outside of consulting - Surprisingly, casing with people from different professions that require critical thinking can greatly expand your way of thinking when it comes to casing. Asking a trader to case you on a maths heavy case will be extremely useful as they can give you feedback around how to compute maths a lot faster, or asking someone who works in govt to take you through a public sector case can reveal a lot of strategies you have never considered.

  3. People already in consulting - This will probably be the best use of your time as they have been through the process themselves and were successful, which means they already have a strong baseline of expertise and skills which they can pass onto you. To get connected with these people, you could consider networking by reaching out to consultants on LinkedIn or attending industry events.

I would recommend starting off by casing with people you feel most comfortable asking, and once you get the general hang of casing etiquette, casing with someone experienced so you learn best practice early on in your case preparation. Then from there, smash out a bunch of reps with people who are also case prepping, then finish off with more experienced people to refine your skills.