How many internships do I need as a third year?

I’m in my penultimate year studying a comp sci degree. Some people in my class already have 4-5 internships, and I’m worried that I’m falling behind. How many internships do I need at what point to get a grad job?


lol some second year in my class has 6 already…

Generally for comp sci degrees, employers value work experience just as much as grades, which makes internships pretty important.

The ideal number can be roughly estimated by working backwards. I think typically most grads at top tier firms have around 3-4 internships by the time they graduate, and considering that most firms only hire penultimate students, you have around two years to stack up internships.

So therefore by the end of your third year you should aim to have 1-2 internships.

You shouldn’t feel the need to get internships just because everyone else has! I know a couple people who graduated with no internships at all and were still able to get roles at places they were happy with

Really? that must be because they are in a really in demand field, some of my friends that have no experience can’t even get an interview