I’m a HD deans list student, why am I struggling so hard to find a job?

Do employers even care about grades anymore? I’m not even getting interviews despite all my friends saying that im set for recruitment with my grades.

Employers nowadays care very little about grades. They tend to focus more on professional experience and extra curriculars. Given that your strength lies in your academics, I’d structure your resume like this:

  1. Header
  • In your header, include your name, contact info, and any links to websites or portfolios if relevant
  1. Education
  • List your university with all your key awards and notable achievements underneath. Make sure to highlight your wam, deans list, and any ranks in courses
  1. Professional experience
  • You should then introduce any work experience (preferably ones that are relevant to the role you are applying for)
  • If you don’t have any, I would relabel this section as “Experience”, and include any relevant projects or experiences you have had that highlight transferable skills to the industry you are applying for. This can include personal passion projects, projects completed as apart of university courses, leadership roles held in relevant clubs or student societies
  1. Extracurriculars
  • If not already shared, this is your section to highlight any key leadership roles or passion projects held outside of work
  1. Interests/Other
  • Personally I like to show a bit of personality and have a few lines for other notable experiences you do for enjoyment, this can include sports, hobbies, or other misc things you feel are worth sharing