Is anyone else sick of the whole rat race?

Small rant but I feel like this whole process of grinding for internships just to get a job that you dont even care about is so stupid. why is everyone working so hard, and if you dont work as hard youre considered behind and as a result its 329023 times harder to get a job. If i could do anything I wanted i would drop out of uni, move to a new country, and start my own cafe and not have to talk to anyone. I wont be making a lot of money, but at least ill be happy. But no, instead im stuck here having to complete my business degree and get a job in some company i dont even care about.

I am sick of the whole rat race.

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I think many of us can relate to that feeling at some point. The constant pressure to achieve more can indeed be exhausting. It’s important to find balance and remember that success isn’t just about work; it’s also about enjoying life and finding time for what makes us happy. It’s about making sure we don’t sacrifice our well-being for the sake of competition.

I believe in you, keep going!!

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Yes, many people are sick but have to work for a living, nothing comes for free. The rat race is a reality many people secretly live and sick of it.

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As a young graduate, I don’t dwell too much on these matters because I understand that I haven’t yet experienced the hard work required to build something substantial. Instead of jumping to conclusions, I believe in embracing the learning cycle. It’s important to focus on setting and achieving short-term goals to gauge personal satisfaction and progress, rather than getting caught up in notions like the rat race, which may not align with one’s own values or aspirations.

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I believe that the rat race is a reality we all face or will face at a point in our lives. But since we can’t live without working, this is what i think will help us;

  1. take break and enjoy yourself
  2. look out for jobs that you are always happy doing them
  3. have a balance life; have a social life
  4. be flexible and patient with yourself when it comes to growth and development.
    Hope this helps.
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I believe that everyone gets that feeling once in their career time, but eventually it has got both pros and cons.
Now if its just related to work pressure and competion in the market, we need to understand that its gonna be there always irrepsective of how we feel. So now we need to find a blance in ourselves and figure out a way to not feel anxious about it. We can always opt for hobbies or any sport or yoga and meditation which definetely hels keeping ou mind a bit calmer.

Now talking about Cons, if you get sick of the whole rat race, and you have that privelege in your hand you can always start taking risks by what interests you more or your passion. There is nothing wromg in taking or pursuing career that enhances your skills and abilities and most important give you that peace of mind at the end of the day.

No matter, whatso ever work we do happiness and satisfactions is the essential aspect that we strive for.

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A creative individual always needs the time to work on their ideas. A job just buys you time in the form of providing you with funds, so that you can work on your dreams in your own time. If your dreams and aspirations do not align with what you have academically ended up with, understand that it is just knowledge and will come handy one day or another. Use the knowledge you learn, buy time with the money you earn through some job that you can easily get, and work on your business ideas, which will definitely take longer to attain than just regular jobs, and eventually make the permanent switch to please your heart.


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yes, I do really feel you, but the reality is even if I move to a new country like what I am doing right now, I don’t have the money and citizenship to do whatever I want. And have to go back to this rat race. Hope one day can really doing the things I really like.

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It’s completely normal to feel frustrated with this lifestyle.

It sounds like you have a clear idea of what would make you happy, like starting your own cafĂ©. That’s a great dream. I have a similar interest—I would love to open a restaurant and cook simple food. While opening a shop involves a lot of preparation and challenges, it’s worth exploring how to make it a reality in the future. If you can start a shop now and it’s what you truly want, why not go for it?

In the meantime, try to find small ways to bring more of what you love into your life. Take care of yourself and make sure you’re not burning out. Find time for activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. Reflect on why you want to start a café—is it connecting with people, making coffee, or creating food? If it’s people, find other ways to connect. If it’s coffee, take lessons. If it’s food, experiment with new recipes

If you need help, reach out to your loved ones or even me. Sometimes it helps to bounce ideas off someone else.

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Yes, it gets tiring sometimes so it is important to find a balance between work and personal life. Don’t give up and you got this!!

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It’s normal for everybody, regardless of how passionate you are in your career to feel drained, overwhelmed and wanting a new change. Burnout is a common feeling when work seems unfifilling and you feel like you need a break.

While burnout can feel overwhelming, the good news is that it’s highly manageable.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to be proactive about your emotional wellbeing, rather than hoping things will improve on their own. Take a break and take some time to reset. Do some travel. Get enough sleep. Look after you. Prioritise yourself.

And importantly know you are not alone in this feeling. Help is available.

It seems like the ‘easy’ option to pack up your life and move to another country but the reality is every path in life has its obstacles and challenges. Life isn’t easy.

I hope you are travelling okay and take some time to look after you’re well-being. You’ve got this. You are so , much stronger then what you think you are.

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It definitely can seem like it at times, especially considering how arbitrary many recruiters choose to accept or reject applicants. I’ve spoken personally to seniors at places like EY and UBS and one of the biggest issues they flag is how broken and often wrong the recruitment process is by disconnected people in HR.

Pair that with a lack of commitment or interest in a role and well how are you going to cope with 10 hour work days at top firms? The only sustainable way to develop a career is to have a legitimate interest in you respective field. Otherwise every hour will seem like 10, and chances are you’ll either crash or hate life. My advice would really follow what it is you want to do, even if it means putting it on the back burner while you work a job you don’t like to save up.

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Well, I have been there believe me. According to me, in life, there are people

  • who run the rat race and don’t even know they are running
  • who are aware but do not mind/too busy running to really care/change
  • who are aware and making an effort to change
  • who are aware but cannot afford to change the course of action at the moment

As for me (who belive that life is more than doing some sort of work to earn a living but it should be about doing something you are passionate about so that you can find happiness, confidence and contentment), I think being aware in itself is a great achievement. The rest will fall into place in time.
I would like to quote Opera Winfrey before I wind up. Once, she was asked what all the famous people she interviewed had in common and her answer was something along the line “they knew what they wanted (to be). If you are clear in your head about what you want, then everything will take place, and you will get opportutnities that will ultimately lead you to it”. So, good luck!

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I totally feel you on the rat race burnout! It’s like, when did we all sign up to be hamsters on a wheel, chasing after some vague idea of success? Your cafe dream sounds like a breath of fresh air.

Here’s the thing though - you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Finish that degree, but don’t let it define you. Keep dreaming big and finding little ways to incorporate more of what makes you happy into your daily life. And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be sipping coffee in your very own cafe, wondering why you ever stressed so much about the corporate grind. You’ve got this!