Please help me if my CV is ok or not

Hey, i got told i dont have enough details in my resume for an internship, Please help me on what i am doing wrong with my CV, Thanks


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More than happy to give some pointers!

Do you mind sharing access to the document? (I have requested access)

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Hi Christian,

Looking forward to your response thanks!


Here are some pointers:

  1. Generally you want to structure your resume from most relevant to least (top down) and consider even condensing it down to one page. Therefore, I would move the “skills” section to the bottom or even consider getting rid of it (you’d rather showcase these skills in your experiences rather than stating it). Instead highlight the languages you can code in.

  2. On the same not as above, I would consider removing some of your work experience and replacing it with experiences more relevant to the industry you are applying for. You can probably cut everything from company 4 onwards (I would even consider only keeping 2-3 work experiences on your resume as it isn’t particularly relevant to the industry you are applying for)

  3. I would place more emphasis on some of your university experiences / projects (especially your final year project). I would consider placing this above your work experience as it is more relevant. You can put this under a title called like “projects”.

  4. When talking about your experiences, you should aim for less dot points, but have more detail around what exactly you did and the impact you had. This is probably where the “lack of detail” comes from. My recommendation is that you follow Google’s XYZ method when it comes to the dot points. The XYZ method refers to a structure of: “Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z” and if possible quantify your impact. Here is a quick video outlining the XYZ method and I’m sure you can find more advice online:

  5. For your university section, you don’t need to share your uni papers taken. Keep this section short and only include your degree, major, and overall grade (if you want to include it). Also move education to the top.

  6. Feel free to list your high school but remove all dotpoints around your subjects taken / extracurricular activities (It is no longer relevant). The only thing you would consider including here is your final grade.

  7. For your co-curricular activities, depending on what they are, it could be worth treating them just as important as your work experience / projects if they are relevant to your role. Listing them won’t do too much for you as employers might not know anything about them.

  8. Some general advice moving forward, I recommend searching up industry approved templates online to see how resumes in your industry are typically structured. In terms of your dotpoints, consider using platforms such as ChatGPT or Gemini to write them for you and then rewrite in your own words (or don’t) as they are often quite effective at doing so.

Happy to answer any further Qs you have!

Hey, i have followed your advice and shortened irrelevant information and elaborated more about my university projects and activities done, please let me know if it needs further improvement! Thanks

Hey, I think there are still improvements that could be made! Overall, I think you can still cut irrelevant sections out and emphasise certain experiences more.

Things to cut:

  1. University experiences - Consolidate the list of 7 projects into maybe your top 2-4 most impactful ones
  2. Language learning outcomes - Don’t need this
  3. Education - Cut out papers taken. This is irrelevant for employers as they might not be familiar with what learning outcomes correspond to these papers and they most certainly won’t search it up for you.
  4. Highschool - Can cut out pretty much everything here except for the name and mark (if you want to include)
  5. Skills - Don’t list your skills, instead showcase them through your dotpoints under each resume point
  6. Awards - Can probably remove everything awarded before 2020 (it is no longer relevant).

Experiences to emphasise more:

  1. University experiences - List 2-4 projects as headings, and have 1-2 dotpoints of elaboration underneath (using the XYZ structure)
  2. Work experiences - Instead of listing all of your experiences, keep the most recent 2-3 and have dot points of elaboration under each one (using the XYZ structure).

For this revision I highly recommend watching or searching up online resume templates to get a sense of what other candidates are including in their resume and making sure you include the same elements with a similar amount of detail.

Some videos to check out:

Feel free to check out this article of pointers: