Should I ask my work crush out?

I (F,21) am currently interning at a large company with a large intern cohort. Our cohort is quite close and we hang out after work and on weekends as well. I have a crush on one of the interns (M,22) and we get along quite well every time we hang out in a group setting. I want to spend more time with him one on one and not just in a group setting. Has anyone got any tips on how to potentially ask him out?

This is cute!! Maybe you can think of a reason to spend one on one time with him on a work related task first, and then shift more to like going on coffee runs or something during the day before finally asking to spend time outside of work.

  1. Choose the right moment and timing when you’re both relaxed and not too busy such as a coffee break or after a successful project completion.
  2. Be respectful/considerate and approach with professionalism. If they decline, accept it gracefully and move forward.
  3. Keep it simple and direct, you could say something brief like, “Hey I’ve enjoyed our interactions. Would you like to grab coffee sometime outside of work?”
  4. Prepare for the outcome of whether they say yes or no. If they agree to it, that’s great, if not, never mind, but don’t let it affect your work dynamics and stay professional.

Hi there,

I think get to know him casually over coffee, go for a walk or even ask if you get lunch together. Keep it light and friendly and see if you both have things in common. Doing small activities like this first will help you see if you can connect on a friendly, one on one level without the group cohort. If you feel the time is right then you could gently suggest doing something outside of your place of internship. As said previously, respect is key so if he doesn’t reciprocate is best to let it go respectfully, knowing that you tried and keep in mind you can still at least be friends.

Best of luck,

Hey - this is so adorable!! I would agree with other statements in that you want to keep it light-hearted and friendly but also professional for the moment. There is nothing worse then generating awkwardness with someone who you work with and then having to see them regularly.

Maybe you could ask for a help with a project you’re working on over a casual coffee/lunch to find more about him and common interests. I would avoid stalking him and adding him om social media if you haven’t do already. You do not want to do love bomb him and make it to obvious where he feels uncomfortable.

All the best x

I agree, don’t rush things. Timing and waiting for the right moment is important here, but keep in mind not to rush things, be respectful and considerate of what the other person is comfortable with and don’t push boundaries or go further with your interactions and activities without asking or knowing if the other person is okay with it first.